Contact and Next Steps

Contact mailto:[email protected] Work Mobile: 07921 554588
Locations: I normally offer sessions in Mid and West Cornwall with indoor locations such as a room in a school, nursery, children’s centre or natural therapy centres, with permission. My other venues are the Natural Therapy Centre and the Krowji making space, both in Redruth see Session Information.
I am researching and developing appropriate outdoor facilities, which can be an option where possible.
Locations: I normally offer sessions in Mid and West Cornwall with indoor locations such as a room in a school, nursery, children’s centre or natural therapy centres, with permission. My other venues are the Natural Therapy Centre and the Krowji making space, both in Redruth see Session Information.
I am researching and developing appropriate outdoor facilities, which can be an option where possible.

Next Steps: If you are interested in further information, please phone/text/leave voicemail on my Work Mobile 07921 554588 or Email at [email protected] using the 'mail to' link above and I will reply as soon as possible. If you decide to go ahead with an initial meeting where you can assess whether you or another could benefit from the service, please contact me for a chat or ask for service request /referral form. I can discuss and supply my full policies and procedures, contract, confidentiality, GDPR, boundaries and fees at an initial meeting. I would appreciate 24 hours notice if possible for any cancellations or I may charge for missed sessions. Parental/carer consent is needed for children and young people under 16.
My fees can be discussed individually with concessionary rates available..
For other counselling and therapy and specific areas of creative arts and other therapy such as art, music, drama, sandplay, dance-movement see the Links page.
My fees can be discussed individually with concessionary rates available..
For other counselling and therapy and specific areas of creative arts and other therapy such as art, music, drama, sandplay, dance-movement see the Links page.