Creative Arts Tool Kit

The Creative Arts tool kit can include the materials and equipment in the play therapy kit, as an adult or young person may want to work at a level where there was a problem for them, which seems to be stuck at a younger age and the client knows it still needs processing yet finds it hard to talk about.
The tool kit can also extend to creative arts that may appeal to older clients such as working in a more developed way with wood, junk modelling, graffiti art, age appropriate games, and finer crafts, which can be discussed, within the safety limits of the venue.
Some older children of primary school age may also prefer the working title of 'Creative Arts' therapy to 'Play' therapy.
The tool kit can also extend to creative arts that may appeal to older clients such as working in a more developed way with wood, junk modelling, graffiti art, age appropriate games, and finer crafts, which can be discussed, within the safety limits of the venue.
Some older children of primary school age may also prefer the working title of 'Creative Arts' therapy to 'Play' therapy.

Sandplay, for example, can offer the older client a way to work safely and through metaphor with some depth, in the calm presence of a trained and experienced therapist. The therapist's training involves working with the many creative media of the tool kit. They can also access their own personal therapy with more advanced practitioners and thus empathise with their clients' use of the creative arts. Being creative is one healthy way to support positive therapeutic changes.
Venues are mostly indoors, but it is also possible to look at working outdoors or moving between the two, with some time needed to set up appropriate venues. I have outdoor space as part of my therapy areas.
Venues are mostly indoors, but it is also possible to look at working outdoors or moving between the two, with some time needed to set up appropriate venues. I have outdoor space as part of my therapy areas.